Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, what?

It's Wednesday night and I'm sitting on the couch watching the news under a blanket with the Christmas tree glowing in the corner.  It's getting colder outside (43 degrees now).  Normally I'd be snuggling in, slowly sinking to a more horizontal position.  Normally I'd go on to watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy (shh don't judge) and then whatever else I could find.  And then, normally, I'd go to bed.

But not anymore.  Nope.  It's Wednesday night.  I just ate the tiniest dinner I could come up with (just to be safe), and put on my workout clothes.  In half an hour we'll leave for a coached run at the high school track.  It's dark, it's cold, and I'm nice and comfy under this cable knit blanket...but what can a girl do? It's not raining.  I'm not sore.  I never caught the cold I was fighting for weeks.  It's time for a run.  And yes, I dread running.  Yes, still.  Yes, I know that running is 1/3 of a triathlon and I signed up for it.  The good news is, it's not that bad.  I don't like running, but when I'm out there with the team (I'm distracted by chit chat), and I'm on the track (nostalgia kicks in), the time goes fast and it's over before I know it.

And the other good news is, tomorrow we swim!

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