Monday, May 17, 2010


Saturday we ran 9 miles.  NINE miles.  No small feat.  At mile 2 my hip started bothering me.  Something about running clouds your judgment and causes you to make poor, poor decisions.  So at mile 2 my hip started bothering me and I thought, “Oh, it’s just tight. It’ll work itself out.”  By mile 4 I was running with a limp (not to mention very slowly), but I thought “Well, I’m almost halfway now.  If I turn around I have to go almost as far to get home as if I keep going.”  So I kept going.  By mile 6 I was running so lopsided I’m surprised I didn’t just go in a clockwise circle…my right leg was hardly moving!  But by then I had to keep going.  What else was I going to do?  Lay down and go to sleep?  So I pushed through.  Now it is Monday.  And I don’t get to run today (Did I really just say “GET” to run??!?!?).  And I don’t get to go to bootcamp tomorrow or run Weds/Thurs either.  In fact, I have to take the entire week off.  Thanks stupid self for “being strong”, “gutting it out”, “pushing through”…I mean, hell, “I can do anything for 42 more minutes! (and 38 and 27 and 12 and 3 and hey, there’s the car)”… I self-diagnosed on Google, and I’m 90% sure its hip bursitis…the only solution? Rest, ice, ibuprofin.  Darn it.  Luckily we still have 7 weeks until the 1/2 and that should be enough time to heal and get back to where I’m at as far as training…unfortunately, this week was supposed to be 10 miles…10 miles is a HUGE milestone that I’ve been looking forward to completing…I’ll still get the chance, but it’s awfully frustrating to feel motivated and have to stop (even temporarily) because of injury.  Stupid hip. I’m gonna go sit on some ice.

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