Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Warrior Princesses!!!

So to me the “Runner’s High” is still a mythical beast…felt only by those who are mythical themselves or have taken some sort of (likely illegal) mythical-ness enhancer.  With that said, this weekend was the Warrior Dash.  I would have to say that it was the closest I’ve ever come to a runner’s high. 

We did the race as a team, in tutus.  Our team (from left to right) Leigh, Anna, my sister Katie, Meghan, myself, and Molly.  Something about doing something as a team gives me a little umph.  So much fun to be lined up at the starting line with my girls in our obnoxious outfits and big old grins on our faces.  (And yes, We attempted to skip across the starting line…)


The race was so much fun that I didn’t feel the affects of the workout at all…maybe that’s what runner’s high feels like?

The Warrior Dash (Northwest) is a 6k race that begins with fire shooting out of the starting line (over head) and ends with a slide through the mud.  The initial run is downhill, through a stream, then straight up hill in your sloshy shoes for what feels like forever.  The first obstacle is a trudge through waist deep water that includings “hopping” over giant floating logs.  Not a graceful or cute accomplishment, but fun and squishy nonetheless. 

The next obstacles consist of a giant pile of hay bales you scramble over (and pose on top and flex your muscles in your tutu if you’re me! :)), followed by a giant ladder like thingy (pose + flex), cargo nets - both vertical (pose + flex) and horizontal (hope the person behind you isn’t looking up your tutu), a not-so-steep repelling wall, and some squishy ankle deep mud. 

Then you get to be Godzilla and jump and climb over a bunch of old rusty cars (yes, of course, do I even need to say it? Pose + flex…a few times…on a few cars!)  This is followed by some more uphill running, a pitch black tunnel (in which our glow-in-the-dark color coordinated bracelets came in handy!)………and then the good stuff…

FIRE!  Two lines of fire high enough to make you worry for the safety of your womanly areas greet you with a grin.  The woman next to us near the starting line said, “When we see six big poofs of smoke we’ll know the tutu girls have made it to the fire jumping!”…With that lovely thought in mind, we were sure to take OFF our tutus and leap over the fire with our warrior cries loud and our tutus in our hands over our heads. 

Jump through some tires like a football player, and you’re on to the best part…MUUUUUUUUUUUUD!!!!!!!!!!!! Slide down on your butt, crawl under the barbed wire on your hands and knees (the mud only goes almost up to your elbows. :)), then take a long slippery slide to the finish line. 


BEST RACE EVER!!!!!!!!!!

Our tutus weighed no less than 40 pounds when we were done.  They definitely had to come off.  So we trudged around in our muddy leggings and sexy homemade t-shirts until we headed off to the campground.  What a fantastic weekend!! :)


Signing up for next year already!!!

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