Sunday, September 26, 2010

Biggest Loser 2010 Kick Off!

The new season of Biggest Loser started last week (woo hoo!) and watching that show never fails to get me motivated again.  Just sent an email to some local girlfriends (I wish the long distance girlfriends could join…any ideas??) getting our OWN Biggest Loser going.  We’re going to meet on Tuesday nights for a healthy dinner and to weigh and measure and keep each other accountable.  The first meeting will also include setting some personal goals (and rewards for when we achieve them).  I’d like to find one time a week that we can all workout together, but it might be too much to organize.  We’ll see.  Anyway, I’m super excited and really hope some of the girls decide to join me this Tuesday.  If you’re reading this and you’re local (or you’re not local but you have an idea how to make it work) and you want to join us let me know.  I’m trying to keep it small so we can all fit in our house, but I don’t want anyone who has the motivation and is willing to commit to our little group to miss out! :)  Will update on Tuesday and let you know how it went.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds so fun! Good luck! Sorry I have no ideas or tips. But keep me posted!
