Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's been a long time, glad to see your face!

Hi friends,

I know it's been a long time since I've posted here.  It's been a long time since I was in the mindset to.  To be perfectly honest, there hasn't been much running (or working out of any kind) going on around here.  I've reverted to the days of the purple face and gasping breath whenever I go for a run (which isn't very often because when I do, it just plain sucks!).  I've gained about 15 pounds.  And really I have no explanations or excuses that are even worth sharing.  But I do have news that IS worth sharing.

As many of you probably know, Kyle and I have signed up for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team in Training Lavaman Triathlon team!!  I've been talking about doing a triathlon for years and am soooo excited to finally be doing it.  Lavaman is in Kona at the end of March, and the money we raise will go directly to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to help cure blood cancers and improve patient quality of life.

So I've been thinking about doing this for a long time, why now? About six months ago my uncle, Dave, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Follicular Lymphoma.  He's gone through chemo and is now doing really well...but I don't want to worry.  I want him to stay healthy and strong.  Leukemia and Lymphoma Society can help that happen.

You can follow along on this journey here on the blog.  Please consider donating!!  http://pages.teamintraining.org/wa/lavatri13/hnielseh9c

And just for fun...a little incentive!

Donate $25 and get a shout out on the blog and Facebook
Donate $50 get the above and we'll send you a postcard from Kona
Donate $100 get the above and a Team In Training coffee mug (because we LOVE coffee!)
Donate $250 or more and get the above and we'll bring you a souvenir from Kona
Donate ANY amount and share the story of your personal connection with blood cancer and we'll dedicate part of our race and carry the name of your "In Honor Of" or "In Memory Of" person with us on race day
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